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Current Job Postings


 Job Name Campus Grade Subject Details
3rd Grade Teacher Arden Road Elementary 3 NA Elementary (EC-6) Teaching Positions (2025-2026)
Spanish Teacher Canyon High School 9-12 SPAN Secondary (7-12) Teaching Positions (2025-2026)
Composite Science Teacher(AP Physics/TBD) Canyon High School 9-12 SCI Secondary (7-12) Teaching Positions (2025-2026)
Special Education English Teacher Canyon High School 9-12 ELAR Special Education (EC-12) Teaching Positions (2025-2026)
Student Support Specialist City View Elementary K-4 NA Student Support Specialist
Math Intervention Teacher City View Elementary K-4 MATH Elementary (EC-6) Teaching Positions (2025-2026)
Kindergarten Teacher Crestview Elementary K NA Elementary (EC-6) Teaching Positions (2025-2026)
2nd Grade Teacher Crestview Elementary 2 NA Elementary (EC-6) Teaching Positions (2025-2026)
Special Education Teacher Greenway Intermediate 5-6 NA Special Education (EC-12) Teaching Positions (2025-2026)
5th Grade Teacher Greenways Intermediate 5-6 NA Elementary (EC-6) Teaching Positions (2025-2026)
6th Grade Teacher Greenways Intermediate 5-6 NA Elementary (EC-6) Teaching Positions (2025-2026)
2nd Grade Teacher Heritage Hills Elementary 2 NA Elementary (EC-6) Teaching Positions (2025-2026)
Special Education Teacher Lakeview Elementary K-4 NA Special Education (EC-12) Teaching Positions (2025-2026)
5th Grade Teacher Pinnacle Intermediate 5-6 NA Elementary (EC-6) Teaching Positions (2025-2026)
6th Grade Teacher Pinnacle Intermediate 5-6 NA Elementary (EC-6) Teaching Positions (2025-2026)
7th or 8th Grade Math Teacher Randall Junior High 7/8 MATH Secondary (7-12) Teaching Positions (2025-2026)
Principal Randall High School 9-12 NA Principal – Randall High School
1st Grade Teacher Reeves-Hinger Elementary 1 NA Elementary (EC-6) Teaching Positions (2025-2026)
Kindergarten Teacher Spring Canyon Elementary K-4 NA Elementary (EC-6) Teaching Positions (2025-2026)
Science Teacher West Plains High School 9-12 SCI Secondary (7-12) Teaching Positions (2025-2026)
Math Teacer West Plains High School 9-12 MATH Secondary (7-12) Teaching Positions (2025-2026)
Special Education Teacher West Plains High School 9-12 SPED Special Education (EC-12) Teaching Positions (2025-2026)
Preventative Maintenance Technician Transportation NA NA Preventative Maintenance Technician
Special Education Instructional Support Specialist District Wide NA NA Special Education Instructional Support Specialist
Gateway to Health Careers Teacher District Wide NA NA Gateway to Health Careers Teacher
Guest Educator (Full-Time Substitute Teacher) District Wide NA NA Guest Educator (Full-Time Substitute Teacher)
Substitute Teacher (2024-2025) District Wide NA NA Substitute Teacher (2024-2025)
Irrigation Specialist District Wide NA NA Irrigation Specialist
Bus Driver District Wide NA NA Bus Driver
Clerical Paraprofessional  District Wide NA NA Clerical Paraprofessional 
Hourly Employees (Tutor/Athletics/Temp/Camp) District Wide NA NA Hourly Employees (Tutor/Athletics/Temp/Camp)
Custodian  District Wide NA NA Custodian 
Behavior Facilitator District Wide NA NA Behavior Facilitator
Educational Paraprofessional  District Wide EC-12 NA Educational Paraprofessional 
Part-Time Tutor District Wide NA NA Part-Time Tutor

Food Service – Field Supervisor

District Wide NA NA Food Service – Field Supervisor
Food Service – Cafe Manager District Wide NA NA Food Service – Cafe Manager
Food Service  – Server District Wide NA NA Food Service  – Server
Food Service  – Cook District Wide NA NA Food Service  – Cook
Food Service – Barista/Cashier District Wide NA NA Food Service – Barista/Cashier
CKIDS After-School Activity Leader District Wide NA NA Future CKIDS After-School Activity Leader
Campus Administrator  District Wide EC-12 NA Future Campus Administrator 
CKIDS After-School Campus Leader District Wide NA NA Future CKIDS After-School Campus Leader
Counselor  District Wide EC-12 NA Future Counselor 
Diagnostician or LSSP  District Wide NA NA Diagnostician or LSSP 
Speech Language Pathologist District Wide NA NA Future Speech Language Pathologist
Speech Therapist Assistant District Wide NA NA Future Speech Therapist Assistant
Future Librarian District Wide PK-12 NA Future Librarian
Groundskeeper District Wide NA NA Groundskeeper
School Bus Attendant District Wide NA NA School Bus Attendant
Student Support Specialist  District Wide NA NA Student Support Specialist 
Elementary (EC-6) Teaching Positions (2025-2026) District Wide NA NA Elementary (EC-6) Teaching Positions (2025-2026)
Secondary (7-12) Teaching Positions (2025-2026) District Wide NA NA Secondary (7-12) Teaching Positions (2025-2026)
Special Education (EC-12) Teaching Positions (2025-2026) District Wide EC-12 NA Special Education (EC-12) Teaching Positions (2025-2026)
Volunteer 2024-2025 District Wide NA NA Volunteer 2024-2025




Canyon ISD will take steps to ensure that lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in all educational and CTE programs.

In its efforts to promote nondiscrimination, Canyon ISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sex, or disability in providing education services, activities, and programs, including CTE programs, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972; and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990(ADA), as amended, which incorporates and expands upon the requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. The following district staff members have been designated to coordinate compliance with these legal requirements:

Title IX Coordinator, for concerns regarding discrimination on the basis of gender: Robyn Cranmer, at 3301 North 23rd Street Canyon, Texas, 806-677-2600. ADA/Section 504 Coordinator, for concerns regarding discrimination on the basis of disability: Brittnee Hooks, at 3301 North 23rd Street Canyon, Texas, 806-677-2600.