AF (X) District of Innovation Plan
CDC (R) Gifts and Solicitations – Memorials (Regulation)
CO (R) Food and Nutrition Management (Regulation)
CQC (R) Covered Applications and Prohibited Technology Policy (Regulation)
EHDC (R) Kindergarten Acceleration Procedures (Regulation)
EHDC (X) Resolution for Credit by Exam Audit Process
EIA (R) Academic Achievement – Grading/Progress Reports to Parents (Regulation)
EIC (R) Academic Achievement – Class Ranking (Regulation)
EIE (R) Academic Achievement – Retention and Promotion (Regulation)
EIE (X) Academic Achievement – Retention and Promotion (Exhibit)
EIF (X2) TEA Graduation Toolkit (Exhibit 2)
EIF (X3) Endorsement Opt Out Agreement (Exhibit 3)
EIF (X4) Students Unlikely to Complete the Second Level of LOTE (Exhibit 4)
EIF (X5) Substitution for LOTE Requirements (Exhibit 5)
FDC (X) McKinney-Vento Dispute Resolution
FEB (R) Attendance Procedures Manual (Regulation)
FEC (R) Attendance for Credit (Regulation)
FFA (R) Canyon ISD Wellness Plan (Regulation)
FFAC (R) Wellness and Health Services, Medical Treatment (Regulation)
FFH (R) Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation (Regulation)
FFH (X) Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation (Exhibit 1)
FFH (X2) Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation (Exhibit 2)
FFI (R) Freedom from Bullying (Regulation)
FFI (X) Freedom from Bullying (Exhibit)
GKA (X) Refusal of Entry To or Ejection from District Property (Exhibit)