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Parent Information

Health Services Department Personnel will:

  • Care for students who become ill or injured at school.
  • Conduct vision, hearing and spinal screening programs as required by law.
  • Promote health education.
    • Please visit the School Health Advisory page on the CISD website.
  • Administer medication to students.

If your child will require any prescription or non-prescription medicine at school, please contact School Health Services Personnel.
You will be required to follow the CISD Policy regarding the administration of medication at school. A few things to remember:

  • Ideally, only medication that cannot be given at home should be given at school.
  • All prescription and non-prescription medication must be furnished by the parent/guardian and dispensed by school personnel with the exception of asthma inhalers, EpiPens, and insulin. Please see the school health personnel on your child’s campus about requirements if your child must carry an asthma inhaler, EpiPen or insulin.
  • All prescription and non-prescription medication must be unexpired in the original properly labeled container. Medication sent to school in baggies or other unlabeled containers will not be given. It is helpful to ask the pharmacist to label an extra bottle for the child to leave at school for short-term medication as well as long-term medication.
  • Age limits on over the counter medication labels must be followed at school. Exceptions will only be made with written permission from a doctor. 
  • Prescription medication must be prescribed by a Texas licensed physician.
  • All prescription and non-prescription medication must be accompanied by a written request signed by the parent/guardian which includes the date of the request, the student’s full name, the name of the medication, the dosage to be administered, and the time the medication is to be administered.  PRINT NOTE
  • In addition to written parent permission, medication that needs to be taken during the school day may be administered up to 15 doses throughout the school year without a doctor's note unless the school nurse determines that a doctor's note is necessary to administer medication.  The CISD medication authorization form must be completed by the parent, including the purpose of the medication, before medication will be administered. PRINT NOTE
  • If your child will receive hand held nebulizer treatments at school, please send tubing, mask/mouth piece, and medication that is in the original pharmacy labeled container.
  • School nurses will not administer non-FDA approved products, herbal/dietary products, or medications purchased in foreign countries, or non-traditional preparations.


  • Notify Health Service Department if your child’s health status changes.
  • Respond to referrals.
  • Provide nutritious meals (particularly breakfast).
  • See that your child gets plenty of rest.
  • Encourage good grooming and health habits.
  • Keep children home if:
    • Breathing problems are present.
    • Temperature is greater than 100 degrees (without the use of fever relieving medication).
    • Vomiting has occurred two or more times within past 24 hours.
    • Diarrhea is present.
    • Children with chickenpox should be excluded from school until the blisters become dry and until 24 hours have passed with no new blisters occurring.
    • Children with pink eye, either bacterial or viral, should be excluded from school until physician permission to return is issued or until symptom free.


Canyon ISD takes the position that all licensed nurses are required to comply with the Board of Nurse Examiners (BON) rules and regulations. According to rule 217.11 (T) nurses will only accept those nursing assignments that take into consideration patient safety and that are commensurate with one’s own educational preparation, experience, knowledge and physical and emotional ability and according to rule 217.11 ( N ) will clarify any order or treatment regimen that the nurse has reason to believe is inaccurate, non-efficacious or contraindicated by consulting with the appropriate licensed practitioner and notifying the ordering practitioner when the nurse makes the decision not to administer the medication or treatment. The nurse has the authority to refuse to administer medication, which the nurse believes is not in the best interest of the patient per Rule 217.11 (1a,c). Further, the nurse has the duty to clarify and question any unclear order.